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Strategic Performance & Risk Review

Kitbag Consulting specialists have both public and private sector experience. They are financially literate and business savvy, able to interpret and apply contemporary risk standards (ISO31000:2018) to a range of business and or policy perspectives. The range of services we offer is broad, but typically they include:
• Business/ financial risk assessments;• Regulatory Impact Statements to support policy development; and
• Specific (contract, project, procurement) risk assessments.
Our discipline specialists have extensive experience in assisting Commonwealth agencies and the energy sector identify, assess and implement management strategies in relation to key risks.
This has included activity with public sector Executive staff to consider the political risks in adopting various policy options. It has also involved establishment of appropriate risk treatment and monitoring plans.
To get in front of the risk curve, we developed for Western Power a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) model to provide operational managers and leaders at all levels with a clear understanding of what actually occurs in the field from a safety systems, behaviour and work practice perspective.
In so doing it provided an effective way of analysing and addressing predicted safety risk and deficiencies before they developed into a safety incident.
It assisted managers to identify and predict safety deficiencies before they developed into a safety incident. Given the obligations of Work, Health and Safety and the costs of interrupted services the tool has protected the financial and reputational position of Western Power.
We can do this for any industry in heavily regulated and inherently dangerous sectors.